The Road to There
We often complain about life. It's true, work is boring, people are too rude, drivers are idiots, But, look around you! What a wonder life is! If only we would take the time to see it, to really appreciate it, and to applaud.
17 Ιανουαρίου 2015, 00:29
Ready, set, go!

Well, that's far tougher than I thought it'd be. Sooo, after writing shitty first drafts and trying for like more than two hours to come up with an 'bang first blog post' idea guess what! I ended up with nothing! 
Yet, I'm gonna introduce myself so that.. Quite frankly, I have nothing else to say so that's the honest reason.

So.. I'm Zoe, a fab without the guilt sassy chic and.. I'm just kidding.

I'm a normal 16 year old high-school girl from Cyprus. Music's my kryptonite i love it like a freak...

Pastas and cheese brownies are my personal favourites.

The dream's to become a doctor. Challenges are made for me. 

I'm the school's sexy nerd but no, I'm just kidding again.

I play the piano too..

Ambitiousness is my thing.

Sometimes, though, I find the 'pathetic me' in my pajamas, lying on my bed, depressed more than a stay at home mom, hating myself for no reason and basically, that's why I've started writing here. Guess that's the way all humans feel like from time to time: thinking out loud those desperate nights when suffering in silence is not the best solution anymore.

Anyway, hope the next ones will be much better. Cheers! 

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