H kalyterh yphresia tous pantws htan to noumero
5: "Timwria anwterwn pou sas kanoun th zwh dyskolh"
Tous esteila e-mail gia na mou poun times kai peraiterw plhrofories. Phra to ekshs automato e-mail:
"Thank you for contacting DWG. A member of our experienced staff of DWG
professionals will be in touch with you soon."
Ki etsi perimenw pws kai pws enan apo tous PROFESSIONALS na mou apanthsoun!!
Emptiness, emptiness how do I search for you
Empty everything and strip the walls
make them colorless, invisible
[ Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: DeLaSane on 11-02-2005 15:39 ]