error 991b
ελληνική μουσική
Η Ελληνική Μουσική Κοινότητα από το 1997
03.04.2005, 23:00
There are only two things to worry about.... either you are well or you are sick.
If you are well, then, there is nothing to worry about. But if you are sick, there are two things to worry about. Either you will get well or you will die.
If you get well, there is nothing to worry about. If you die, there are only two things to worry about. Either you will go to heaven or go to hell.
If you go to heaven, there is nothing to worry about. But if you go to hell... you'll be so darn busy shaking hands with friends, you won't have time to worry!!
03.04.2005, 23:25
Σωστό!!! Don't Worry, Be Happy λοιπόν!!!

Επίσης, εγώ έχω στο δωμάτιο μου την εξής κάρτα :


The more I study, the more I know

The more I know, the more I forget

The more I forget, the less I know

..So, Why Study???
03.04.2005, 23:37
Αυτό κι αν είναι σωστό Σοφία μου!!!
03.04.2005, 23:40

Το μέλος Sofia στις 03-04-2005 στις 23:25 έγραψε:

Σωστό!!! Don't Worry, Be Happy λοιπόν!!!

Επίσης, εγώ έχω στο δωμάτιο μου την εξής κάρτα :


The more I study, the more I know

The more I know, the more I forget

The more I forget, the less I know

..So, Why Study???