ελληνική μουσική
    Η Ελληνική Μουσική Κοινότητα από το 1997

    Ο κρυφός κωδικός τών κινητών!

    07.05.2005, 02:53
    Έλαβα πριν μερικές μέρες ένα email από φίλο που "προωθούσε" το εξής μήνυμα:


    Η συσκευή του κινητού σου τηλεφώνου έχει ένα 15ψήφιο κρυφό αριθμό σειράς,
    που αποτελεί την ηλεκτρονική ταυτότητα της συγκεκριμένης
    συσκευής. Σε περίπτωση λοιπόν κλοπής του τηλεφώνου σου, η εταιρία
    που σου παρέχει τη σύνδεση (Panafon, Telestet, Cosmote) μπορεί με τον
    αριθμό αυτό να μπλοκάρει τη συσκευή, ώστε να είναι άχρηστη στον κλέφτη.
    Μπορεί βέβαια να μην ξαναβρείς το κινητό σου, αλλά, αν το έκαναν όλοι αυτό,
    τότε δεν θα είχαν ενδιαφέρον οι κλέφτες για κινητά τηλέφωνα. Θα χάλαγε
    ένας από τους κρίκους της αλυσίδας: παραγωγή - κατανάλωση.
    Για να βρεις τον κωδικό αυτό αριθμό της συσκευής σου, πληκτρολόγησε:


    (αστεράκι, δίεση, μηδέν, έξη, δίεση)

    και θα εμφανιστεί ένας 15ψήφιος αριθμός, τον οποίο πρέπει να σημειώσεις
    σε ένα ωραίο χαρτάκι και να περιμένεις μέχρι να σου κλέψουν το τηλέφωνο!
    Στείλε αυτή την πληροφορία σε όσους μπορείς!"

    Προσωπικά δεν το έχω ελέγξει όμως μπορεί να αποδειχθεί χρήσιμο...
    07.05.2005, 17:12
    Μόλις το έλεγξα και ισχύει!

    07.05.2005, 18:36
    καλο αυτο...και εγω το εκανα!
    να το εχουμε στα υπ'οψην.....
    07.05.2005, 19:21
    xrisimi pliroforia euxaristoume....... molis to elesksa kai egw...
    07.05.2005, 23:52
    Χρήσιμος πράγματι αριθμός, αλλά όχι και τόσο κρυφός. Ο 15ψήφιος αριθμός ΙΜΕΙ αναγράφεται στη συσκευασία του κινητού τηλεφώνου, αλλά και στην ίδια τη συσκευή, κάπου κοντά στη θέση της κάρτας sim. Στα nokia τουλάχιστον. Τέλος πάντων. Καλό θα ήταν άντι για τον αριθμό ΙΜΕΙ να κρατάμε αντίγραφο του τηλεφωνικού μας καταλόγου, γιατί σε περίπτωση απώλειας ή κλοπής θέλει κόπο να ξαναμαζεύεις τόόόσα τηλέφωνα...
    08.05.2005, 00:19
    Η αλήθεια είναι ότι ο εντοπισμός του κινητού απο τον αριθμό IMEI είναι απλούστατος όμως για κάτι τέτοιο, απ'όσο γνωρίζω, απαιτείται εισαγγελική παρέμβαση. Σα να λέμε τρέχα γύρευε μιας και η όλη διαδικάσια κοστίζει περισσότερο από ένα καινούριο κινητό και δε συζητώ καν για την ταλαιπωρία!
    Τώρα αυτό περί μπλοκαρίσματος της συσκευής δεν ξέρω κατά πόσο το κάνουν οι εταιρείες μιας και απο περιπτώσεις γνωστών που είχαν αυτή την ατυχία το μόνο που έκαναν ήταν η ακύρωση της κάρτας sim.
    08.05.2005, 02:05
    Νομίζω πως η διευθύντρια του σχολείου μας είχε μπλοκάρει τη συσκευή με τέτοιο τρόπο όταν της την έκλεψαν, αλλά φυσικά δεν είμαι απόλυτα σίγουρος
    08.05.2005, 17:20
    εκτός από αύτον τον κωδικό υπάρχουν πάρα πολύ για διάφορες
    1)*#0000#[δεν ξέρω ακριβώς τι δείχνει]κάτι για την μπαταρία σου!
    2)*3370#->αυτόματη επανεκκίνηση!
    Τέσπα νομίζω ότι υσχεί μόνο για ΝΟΚΙΑ......
    Αλλους δεν 8υμάμε τώρα......

    17.05.2005, 02:13
    Κάποτε μού ήρθε ο βλαχοτσιγκούναρος "πρώην" πεθερός μου και με παρακάλεσε να ρυθμίσω το "καινούργιο" του κινητό...όμως αυτό ήταν "περιέργως" γεμάτο τηλεφωνικούς αριθμούς και πολλά στοιχεία (Α.Φ.Μ., διευθύνσεις, e-mail και δεν συμμαζεύεται)...όταν τού είπα να τηλεφωνήσουμε στον πραγματικό κάτοχο μού απήντησε "τώρα είναι δικό μου"...έπρεπε να τηλεφωνήσω ο ίδιος!
    17.05.2005, 12:18
    NOKIA 2110

    Software Version
    This codes shows you software version, software date and hardware model number of your phone. On 2110, type: * # 9999 # * # 170602112302 # or

    * # 682371158412125 #

    Show IMEI code
    If you need to know what's the IMEI code of your phone, simply press:

    * # 06 # you'll read it on display.

    Change IMEI code
    If you want to change IMEI code of your phone (we don't want to know "why"), here is the software you'll need.

    Show manufact. date
    To get the manufacturing date of your phone, press: * # 3283 # (= *#date#) in 1995 phones, date is in "mmyy" format, 1996 and later phones show date in "wwyy" format.

    Unlock SP lock
    Here is a way to Unlock your phone which is Service Provider locked, without to know SPLock code !!!!
    Give it a try (and give us feedback, pls): Turn the phone on, when the phone asks for the Security Code,press: 112 now quickly press: #

    Each time you turn your phone OFF it resets the lock, so this need to be done each time you'll turn your phone ON
    Anyway it's better than nothing, isn't it?

    If you dial in to a service number which requires DTMF strings after you have dialed in, you can program the whole sequence. What you do is:

    Key in the number. Press the * three times: a 'p' appears (pause). Key in the DTMF code, you can use 'p' again in this string. Store this in memory. If you select the memory place, and dial the stored number, the mobile will wait a few seconds (pause) and then send the string as DTMF. Another option is to press the * four times: a 'w' appears (wait). When the 'w' is reached in the callstring, 'DTMF' appears at the left menu button. When you press the left menu button the mobile starts sending DTMF.

    NOKIA 3110

    Software Version
    This code shows you software version, date of manufacture and hardware model number of your phone. * # 3110 #

    Show IMEI code
    If you need to know what's the IMEI code of your phone, simply press:

    * # 06 # you'll read it on display.

    Show warranty information
    To get additional information from your phone you can use the so called "warranty codes", try typing: *#92702689# (= *#war0anty#). You will be asked a 'warranty code:' type: 6232 (OK) : To display the Month and Year of Manufacture.
    7332 (OK) : To display the date of the last repairment.
    7832 (OK) : To display (if previously set) the date where the phone was purchased.
    9268 (OK) : To display the Serial Number.
    37832 (OK) : To set the Purchasing Date MMYY (Warning: You can only do this once)
    87267 (OK) : To Confirm Transfer

    Sim Clock information
    To check if the Sim-Clock can be stopped type: *#746025625# (= *#sim0clock#)

    Restore factory settings
    To restore factory settings (This does not include memory, language and counters) type: *#7780#

    Unlock SP lock
    Here is a way to Unlock your phone which is Service Provider locked, without to know SPLock code !!!! Give it a try: First of all, PIN CODE MUST BE ON, then press:C
    C and hold until it clears display
    * and hold until start to blink
    * and hold until start to blink
    04***your pin# Each time you turn your phone OFF it resets the lock, so this need to be done each time you'll turn your phone ON
    Anyway it's better than nothing, isn't it?

    Nokia Cellular Data Suite
    Want to use your laptop to send fax and data with your 3110's Nokia Phone ? Here is what you need: the Nokia Cellular Data Suite(soon) ready to be downloaded! There are three files, unzip them with "-d" option and then run setup.

    NOKIA 3210

    Software Version
    This code shows you software version, date of manufacture and hardware model number of your phone. * # 0000 #

    Show IMEI code
    If you need to know what's the IMEI code of your phone, simply press:

    * # 06 # you'll read it on display.

    Show warranty information
    To get additional information from your phone you can use the so called "warranty codes", try typing: *#92702689# (= *#war0anty#) now you can just scroll through the information like in any other menu. at the first menu you can see the Serial No (IMEI) of your phone at the second menu you can see the year that your phone was made (and thats the correcect date of manufuction and not the software date) at the third menu you can edit only once the purchhasing date if i were you i wouldn't !! at the forth menu you can see when your phone was repaired if not you see 0000 only at the sixth menu you can transfer software of you mobile phone to another user . It may seem amazing because you can even upgrate your software but you can do this only if the two users have exatly the same NOKIA model!

    Enhanched Full rate codec
    *3370# EFR will be activated after a reboot of the phone ( consumes more power ) #3370# EFR will be switched off after a reboot of the phone.

    SPLock Mode
    If you want to inquire your phone about SPLock, you can use the following: # pw + 1234567890 + [y] # If you put your hands on your 10 digits SPLock code yet, then you can modify the status of the above results, # pw + [mastercode] + [y] # [y] is 1 up to 4, and
    any ten digits number seems working instead of "1234567890"

    Sim Clock information
    To check if the Sim-Clock can be stopped type: *#746025625# (= *#sim0clock#) phone says 'SIM CLOCK STOP ALLOWED' or "SIM CLOCK STOP NOT ALLOWED" depending on your SIM Card.

    NOKIA 5110

    Software Version
    This code shows you software version, date of manufacture and hardware model number of your phone. * # 0000 #

    Show IMEI code
    If you need to know what's the IMEI code of your phone, simply press:

    * # 06 # you'll read it on display.

    Show Service Menu
    To get additional information from your phone you can use the so called "warranty code", try typing: *#92702689# (= *#war0anty#). Now you are in service menu where you'll find: 1 IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identification)
    2 Made MM/YY (date of production of the phone mm/yy)
    3 Purchasing Date (here you can enter the date of purchase. If you enter an incorrect date, you cannot correct it later !
    4 Repaired (date of repair, if there was one)
    5 Transfer user data?

    Enhanched Full rate codec
    *3370# EFR will be activated after a reboot of the phone ( consumes more power ) #3370# EFR will be switched off after a reboot of the phone.

    Half rate codec
    *4720# Half Rate coded will be activated after a reboot of the phone ( better standby time ) #4720# Half Rate coded will be de-activated after a reboot of the phone

    Profiles Menu
    If you press the "Power on" button for a short moment, the menu with the profiles is shown on the display. If you press one more time, the mobile turns itself off. You can use the up and down cursor keys to scroll and enable a different alert setting.

    Unlock SP lock
    Here is a way to Unlock your phone which is Service Provider locked, without to know SPLock code !!!!
    Give it a try: First of all, PIN CODE MUST BE ON, then press: C
    C and hold until it clears display
    * and hold until start to blink
    * and hold until start to blink
    04***your pin# Each time you turn your phone OFF it resets the lock, so this need to be done each time you'll turn your phone ON
    Anyway it's better than nothing, isn't it?

    NOKIA 6110

    Software Version
    This code shows you software version, date of manufacture and hardware model number of your phone. * # 6110 # if the above won't work, try this one too: * # 0000 #

    Show IMEI code
    If you need to know what's the IMEI code of your phone, simply press:

    * # 06 # you'll read it on display.

    Show warranty information
    To get additional information from your phone you can use the so called "warranty codes", try typing: *#92702689# (= *#war0anty#) now you can just scroll through the information like in any other menu. If it won't work and the phone ask you for a 'warranty code:' try:

    6232 (OK) : To display the Month and Year of Manufacture.
    7332 (OK) : To display the date of the last repairment.
    7832 (OK) : To display (if previously set) the date where the phone was purchased.
    9268 (OK) : To display the Serial Number.
    37832 (OK) : To set the Purchasing Date MMYY (Warning: You can only do this once)
    87267 (OK) : To Confirm Transfer

    Enhanched Full rate codec
    *3370# EFR will be activated after a reboot of the phone ( consumes more power ) #3370# EFR will be switched off after a reboot of the phone.

    Profiles Menu
    If you press the "Power on" button for a short moment, the menu with the profiles is shown on the display. If you press one more time, the mobile turns itself off. You can use the up and down cursor keys to scroll and enable a different alert setting.

    Battary Bug
    Someone reported us that some Nokia 6110 remain dead if you run out of battery while the phone has its keyboard locked. Nokia seems to be aware of this bug and hopefully will be correct in next software version (6210 maybe ??).

    Nokia Cellular Data Suite
    Want to use your laptop to send fax and data with your 6110's Nokia Phone using integrated IRDA port? Here is what you need: the Nokia Cellular Data Suite (soon) ready to be downloaded! There are three files, unzip them with "-d" option and then run setup.P.S. If CDS asks you for a connected phone in order to run installation, fake your port with IR.

    SPLock Mode
    If you want to inquire your phone about SPLock, you can use the following:

    # pw + 1234567890 + [y] # If you put your hands on your 10 digits SPLock code yet, then you can modify the status of the above results, # pw + [mastercode] + [y] # [y] is 1 up to 4, and
    any ten digits number seems working instead of "1234567890"

    Pin Out

    3 - XMIC MIC INPUT 60mV - 1V


    5 - XEAR EAR OUTPUT 80mV - 1V

    6 - MBUS 9600 B/S

    7 - FBUS_RX 9.6 - 230.4 KB/S

    8 - FBUS_TX 9.6 - 230.4 KB/S


    Sim Clock information
    To check if the Sim-Clock can be stopped type: *#746025625# (= *#sim0clock#) phone says 'SIM CLOCK STOP ALLOWED' or "SIM CLOCK STOP NOT ALLOWED" depending on your SIM Card.

    NOKIA 7110

    Software Version
    This code shows you software version, date of manufacture and hardware model number of your phone.* # 0000 #

    Show IMEI code
    If you need to know what's the IMEI code of your phone, simply press:

    * # 06 # you'll read it on display.

    Show warranty information
    To get additional information from your phone you can use the so called "warranty codes", try typing: *#92702689# (= *#war0anty#) now you can just scroll through the information like in any other menu.

    Enhanched Full rate codec
    *3370# EFR will be activated after a reboot of the phone ( consumes more power ) #3370# EFR will be switched off after a reboot of the phone.

    Profiles Menu
    If you press the "Power on" button for a short moment, the menu with the profiles is shown on the display. If you press one more time, the mobile turns itself off. You can use the up and down cursor keys to scroll and enable a different alert setting.

    SPLock Mode
    If you want to inquire your phone about SPLock, you can use the following:

    # pw + 1234567890 + [y] # If you put your hands on your 10 digits SPLock code yet, then you can modify the status of the above results, # pw + [mastercode] + [y] # [y] is 1 up to 4, and
    any ten digits number seems working instead of "1234567890"

    Pin Out

    3 - XMIC MIC INPUT 60mV - 1V


    5 - XEAR EAR OUTPUT 80mV - 1V

    6 - MBUS 9600 B/S

    7 - FBUS_RX 9.6 - 230.4 KB/S

    8 - FBUS_TX 9.6 - 230.4 KB/S


    Sim Clock information
    To check if the Sim-Clock can be stopped type: *#746025625# (= *#sim0clock#) phone says 'SIM CLOCK STOP ALLOWED' or "SIM CLOCK STOP NOT ALLOWED" depending on your SIM Card.

    NOKIA 8110

    Software Version
    This code shows you software version, date of manufacture and hardware model number of your phone. * # 8110 #

    Show IMEI code
    If you need to know what's the IMEI code of your phone, simply press: * # 06 # you'll read it on display.

    Show warranty information
    To get additional information from your phone you can use the so called "warranty codes", try typing: *#92702689# (= *#war0anty#). You will be asked a 'warranty code:' type:

    6232 (OK) : To display the Month and Year of Manufacture.
    7332 (OK) : To display the date of the last repairment.
    7832 (OK) : To display (if previously set) the date where the phone was purchased.
    9268 (OK) : To display the Serial Number.
    37832 (OK) : To set the Purchasing Date MMYY (Warning: You can only do this once)
    87267 (OK) : To Confirm Transfer

    Sim Clock information
    To check if the Sim-Clock can be stopped type: *#746025625# (= *#sim0clock#) phone says 'SIM CLOCK STOP ALLOWED' or "SIM CLOCK STOP NOT ALLOWED" depending on your SIM Card.

    Desktop Charger----------------------|

    | |

    | |


    V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V

    (o) | | [= = = = = =] | |

    7 8 9 10 11 12

    1 - Charger/System Ground

    2 - Accessory Output Supply. (3.4V...10V - 50mA)

    3 - External Microphone Input and Accessory Identification

    *1,7...2,05 V Headset Adapter Connected

    *1,15...1,4 V Compact Handsfree Unit Connected

    *2.22...2.56 V Infra Red Link Conneceted

    4 - External RF Control Input

    *0...0.5V External RF in use

    *2.4...3.2V Internal Antenna in use

    5 - FBUS Transmit

    6 - Serial Control Bus

    *Logic Low Level: 0....0.5V

    *Logic High Level:2.4V....3.2V

    7 - Not Connected

    8 - Signal Ground

    9 - External Speaker and Mute Control

    Mute ON (HF SPEAKER MUTE ):0...0,5 V d.c.

    Mute OFF (HF SPEAKER ACTIVE ): 1,0...1,7 V d.c.

    10 - Hook Signal

    *Hook Off (Handset in Use): 0....0.5V

    *Hook On (Handset in Use): 2.4V....3.2V

    11 - FBUS Receive

    12 - Charging Supply Voltage (Max 16V)

    Nokia Cellular Data Suite
    Want to use your laptop to send fax and data with your 8110's Nokia Phone ? Here is what you need: the Nokia Cellular Data Suite (soon)P.S. If you need the cable to connect phone and PC, build your own!

    NOKIA 8210 / 8850

    Software Version
    This code shows you software version, date of manufacture and hardware model number of your phone.* # 0000 #

    Show IMEI code
    If you need to know what's the IMEI code of your phone, simply press:

    * # 06 # you'll read it on display.

    Show warranty information
    To get additional information from your phone you can use the so called "warranty codes", try typing: *#92702689# (= *#war0anty#) now you can just scroll through the information like in any other menu. at the first menu you can see the Serial No (IMEI) of your phone at the second menu you can see the year that your phone was made (and thats the correcect date of manufuction and not the software date)at the third menu you can edit only once the purchhasing date if i were you i wouldn't !! at the forth menu you can see when your phone was repaired if not you see 0000 only at the sixth menu you can transfer software of you mobile phone to another user . It may seem amazing because you can even upgrate your software but you can do this only if the two users have exatly the same NOKIA model!

    Enhanched Full rate codec
    *3370# EFR will be activated after a reboot of the phone ( consumes more power ) #3370# EFR will be switched off after a reboot of the phone.

    SPLock Mode
    If you want to inquire your phone about SPLock, you can use the following: # pw + 1234567890 + [y] #If you put your hands on your 10 digits SPLock code yet, then you can modify the status of the above results,# pw + [mastercode] + [y] # [y] is 1 up to 4, and
    any ten digits number seems working instead of "1234567890"

    Sim Clock information
    To check if the Sim-Clock can be stopped type: *#746025625# (= *#sim0clock#) phone says 'SIM CLOCK STOP ALLOWED' or "SIM CLOCK STOP NOT ALLOWED" depending on your SIM Card

    NOKIA 9000

    Show IMEI code
    If you need to know what's the IMEI code of your phone, simply press: * # 06 #you'll read it on display.

    Software Version
    This code shows you software version of your Communicator:


    Date of Manufacture
    This code shows you the manufacturing date of your Communicator: *#3283# (or *#DATE#)
    Πως να στείλετε μηνύματα πάνω απο 160 χαρακτήρες

    *#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
    *#0000# shows the SW version.

    Nokia 9110

    Latest software version:

    V 5.06 (09.12.99) RAE-2
    V 5.02 (26-08-99)RAE-2
    V 4.05 RAE-2

    Free SMS Tip
    1st Way:
    1. turn our phone off.
    2. turn it on and enter your pin.
    3. enter *#746025625# 4. now "SIM CLOCK STOP ALLOWED" will be displayed.
    now you can send sms for free. if you turn your phone off and later on you have to reenter this code!!!
    In some Networks it doesn't work!!!
    2nd Way:
    Set Menu 4-3-3 on Usergroup 666 (work with German Networks)

    Στείλτε 3 (όριο) μηνύματα τα οποία σε αυτόν που θα τα πάρει θα πάνε σαν ένα μήνυμα.

    Γράψτε το πρώτο αρχίζοντας με *LONG# μπλα,μπλα,μπλα και στείλτε το κανονικά,το ίδιο να κάνετεγια το δεύτερο στο τρίτο και το τελευταίο μήνυμα αρχίστε με *LAST# μπλα,μπλα,μπλα και το στέλνετε και αυτό

    20.05.2005, 16:35
    ¶ψογο...μπορείς να αναφέρεις την "πηγή" για να στέλνουμε το Feedback που λέει;
    Τελικά μάς έχουν κατακλύσει οι Φινλανδοί!
    Μήπως κάποιος γνωρίζει παρόμοιες πληροφορίες για άλλες "μάρκες";
    22.05.2005, 21:33
    gia kipro ksero 1) oti grafeis on mcn sto 2000 otan einai kleisto to koinito otan to anoigois na blepeis pioi se epiasan tilefono
    kai 2) #31# gia apokripsi arithmou
    27.05.2005, 18:15

    Select the “Silent” profile, or turn off warning tones in the profiles menu

    What processor does the 7650 use?
    The 7650 uses an ARM 104mhz processor

    How do I install software?
    There are many ways to install software,
    First you have to transfer the file to your phone via Bluetooth, IR or Email.
    You will then receive a message containing the file as an attachment.
    Highlight the attachment you want to install, bring up the options list, and select install.
    The file will then be saved to your phone's memory. Ensure you delete the original
    message once it is installed on your phone, as this will consume memory.
    When installing a SIS file, as long as PC Suite is installed and the phone connected
    to the COM port in mRouter (which should be in the taskbar), you can just double click
    on the SIS in the PC and EPOC Install installs the program on the Phone, without having
    to send it to the phone first. This is a good way to install software if the memory is nearly full.

    How to set operator logo ?

    First of all U need seleQ on your phone.
    If U dont have it, go here.
    Start seleQ.
    Go to your C: root Open map Nokia.
    Open map images Select filename of operator logo.
    Select options Select File.Set as operator logo.

    How to set backround picture ?

    Go to your menu>Instruments
    Standby modus>Backgroundpicture
    Choose YES>Choose your picture .......

    How to set a wav file as ringtone ?

    Send the wav file to your phone (with infrared or bluetooth)
    Go to menu > Go to profiles
    Select the profile you use > Personalise >Ringtone
    Select the new ringtone

    How do I find out what my IMEI numbers is or my Firmware Version?

    To find out which version of firmware your phone is using, type the following
    at the main screen: *#0000#

    To find out the IMEI number of your handset, type the following
    at the main screen: *#06#

    Your IMEI number may be needed when purchasing software for your phone,
    as some companies use it to generate a specific registration code.

    Whats is the difference between a Soft & Hard reset and how do I do it?

    A Soft-reset - the process of resetting all the settings of the phone to the factory default!
    No applications are deleted!

    A Hard-reset is like formatting a drive! It does format the memory.
    Everything that has been installed after the first use of the phone is deleted! It will recover the
    memory of the phone to the state you purchased it! It is done by inputing the following code: *#7370#

    ***NOTE: The battery must be full or the charger has to be connected to the phone so that it
    does not run out of power and make the phone unusable. A good idea is first to uninstall all
    applications manually!

    How to clear SMS reports?

    SMS reports are kept in Log. They expire and vanish automatically after the number of days set in Settings
    -> Log duration. If you want to remove all SMS reports, you will have to clear the entire log. This will also
    clear all incoming/outgoing/missed calls lists.
    Quick access to applications
    You can customize both function keys located below the screen. This can be done in Menu -> Tools ->
    Settings -> Phone -> Standby mode -> Left/right selection key. Selected applications will be assigned
    to function buttons in standby mode (on Phone screen).

    Besides that there are also two other applications which can be quickly launched in standby mode:
    press joystick to open Contacts base
    press and hold "0" (zero) key to launch WAP browser.
    Can I copy & paste text in Nokia 7650/3650?

    Simply press and hold ABC key and select your text using joystick. Left function key will change to
    "Copy". Press it to copy the selected text to clipboard.

    You can paste the clipboard contents the same way: press and hold ABC. "Paste" will appear above
    the right function key.
    Problems with sending files from 7650 to PC via BT
    The following tip can be useful for people using Bluetooth hardware (cards, dongles) equipped with
    Widcomm software (MSI, TDK etc).

    If you cannot send files from your Nokia to PC, you may want to try the following tip:
    Open your Windows registry in Registry editor: Menu Start -> Run -> Regedit
    locate HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Widcomm\BTConfig\Services\0004 key
    locate AcceptOther entry
    change its value from 0 to 1
    reboot your computer.
    First name, Last name?
    As you may have noticed, the First and Last name are displayed the "wrong" way round in the Contacts list.
    Basically there is no option to switch them back round, so you must do one of the following:

    Download a little freebie program that switches the fields round Name swap or simply enter the first name
    in the last name field and vice versa. Not a prefect solution, but until Nokia release a software upgrade,
    I think we are stuck with it.
    F.A.Q. : Ringtones via WAP
    You can download polyphonic ringtones directly to your phone using WAP browser. Visit our WAP pages
    ( to download some and check how it works. When you select a ringtone it will be
    downloaded and automatically opened in Recorder...
    Can I use my own polyphonic ringtones?
    One of the beauties of this phone is the fact it supports multiple audio extensions. One of these is the
    MIDI format. MIDI has been around for years and there are loads of sites on the Internet that have
    full pop and chart music in good quality MIDI format, which is, best of all, mostly free. So ignore these
    sites that want to charge you money for a ringtone. Probably the best MIDI site is .

    You can also download wav or polyphonic ringtones directly to your 7650/3650 from our

    Send your MIDI file from PC to 7650/3650 via Bluetooth or infrared. If your PC doesn't support BT or IR,
    you can send it to the phone by email. Open the message on your Nokia - the attached MIDI file will be
    automatically opened in Recorder. Save it and go to Profiles, where you can set it as a default ringtone.
    How can I upgrade my firmware?
    Firmware can be upgrade by visiting a Nokia Service Center in person (although prior arrangement is advisable).
    However the recommended procedure is contacting your local Nokia Service Center / Dealer / Shop by phone.
    They should be able to advise you to which course of action you should take.

    The procedure varies from country to country, but usually the phone is sent away by post, upgraded and then
    returned. The time taken also varies from country to country - there are reports of several weeks wait in some
    European countries while in the UK a period of 2-4 working days is the norm.

    You can find out contact details for your local center by visiting your country's Nokia website. There is a drop
    down menu on the font page of the main Nokia site listing these ().

    A few of these country website are listed below:
    United Kingdom:
    What will i do if i still have questions.....
    mail to
    credits to:
    13.02.2006, 00:51

    Το μέλος alicia0 στις 07-05-2005 στις 18:36 έγραψε:

    καλο αυτο...και εγω το εκανα!
    να το εχουμε στα υπ'οψην.....

    για σου τι εγινε καλα.....